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  Made in PSPX



Thank you to all who have send their version to me.

You can see them here



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Filters Unlimited 2.0, Render - Color Clouds - Here

Alf's Power Grads, Radial Stepwise - Here

MuRa's Meister, Perspective Tiling - Here / Here




Tubes from Liza  http://mijn-tubewereldvanliza.nl/



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Unpack plugins and place the folders in the Plugin folder to your PSP program.
Plugins that will not appear in the PSP program, you can try to import in Filters Unlimited 2.
Place the selection 'cas_Peace_Selection1' in the Selections folder to your PSP program.

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Materials here


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1. Open New Image Image 800x500 pixel - Transparent.
Set the foregroundcolor to Gradient Fading Spectrum:
Flood Fill your layer with the gradient.
2. Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Render - Color Clouds:
3. Effects - Distortion Effects - Spiky Halo:
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More
Layers - Duplicate.
Image - Mirror.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
4. Set the backgroundcolor to #d5fbd6.
Layers - New Raster Layer.
Flood Fill with the backgroundcolor.
Layers - Arrange - Send to Bottom.
5. Activate the top layer.
Layers - Duplicate.
Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Meister - Perspective Tiling:
In the layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 65.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
6. Layers - New Raster Layer.
Flood Fill with the backgroundcolor.
Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Alf's Power Grads - Radial Stepwise:
In the layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 60.
7. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk, find cas_Peace_Selection1:
Layers - New Raster Layer.
Flood Fill with the gradient.
Selections - Select None.
8. In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Burn.
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More.
Enhance More once more.
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
9. Open the tube 'cas_Peace_Deco1'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
10. Open the tube 'cas_Peace_Deco2'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
11. Activate Raster 1.
Open the tube 'cas_Peace_Deco3'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:

12. Open the tube 'cas_Peace_Deco4'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
13. Activate the top layer.
Open the tube 'Liza tube waterlilly 22-6-2011'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Image - Mirror.
Image - Resize 38% - uncheck All Layers.
14. Move the flower to the right like my image:
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
15. Layers - Duplicate.
Image - Mirror.
Resize 75% - uncheck All Layers.
Place the flower like my image:
16. Open the tube 'Liza tube 252'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Image - Resize 75% - uncheck All Layers.
17. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
Edit - Copy.
18. Image - Add borders 2 pixel - color #2d4535.
Image - Add borders 40 pixel - color white.
Activate Magic Wand:
Edit - Paste into Selection.
19. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 30.
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More.
Enhance More once more.
Selections - Select None.
20. Image - Add borders 1 pixel - color #2d4535.
Image - Add borders 10 pixel - color white.
Image - Add borders 1 pixel - color #2d4535.
Image - Add borders 45 pixel - color white.
Image - Add borders 1 pixel - color #2d4535.




21. Resize if you wish to make it smaller.

Save your image.

If you liked my tutorial, I would be pleased, if you tell me. I also would love to see your creation, if you have used other tubes and colors.

If you attach your image, I will reserve the right to put it on my website with your name and link to your website, if you have one, unless you tell me not to.

You can contact me here

Thank you Cher for testing my tutorial

Chers version



Thank you Angela for translating my tutorial into Dutch
Angelas version