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Made in PSPX2


Thank you to all who have sent their version to me.

You can see them here


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It@lian Editors Effect, Effetto Fantasma - Here

CPK Designs, CK Pegs - Here

AP 01 [Innovations], Lines - SilverLining - Here



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Place the selections 'cas_Nature_Sel1', 'cas_Nature_Sel2' and 'cas_Nature_Sel3' in the Selections folder to your PSP program.
Place the Brush '1_7' in the Brushes folder to your PSP program.

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Materials here


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My own tube and my own photo taken in Kings Canyon, California


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1.   Set the foregroundcolor to #585a4c  and backgroundcolor to #ffffff (white).


       Change the foregroundcolor to Gradient, Foreground-Background:




       Open New Transparent Image 1000 x 700 pixel.



2.   Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk. Find 'cas_Nature_Sel1':




       Flood Fill the selection with the gradient.


       Selections - Select None.



3.   Effects - Plugins - It @lian Editors Effect - Effetto Fantasma:





4.   Image - Resize 90%, uncheck All Layers.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Image.


       This is the image, we will work with.



5.   Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 2.


       Flood Fill the layer with the backgroundcolor (white).


       Layers - Arrange - Send to Bottom.



6.   Activate Raster 1.


       Layers - Duplicate.


       Effects - Plugins - CPK Designs - CK Pegs:





7.   Effects - Plugins - AP 01 [Innovations] - Lines - SilverLining:




       In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay.


       Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance.



8.   Activate Raster 1.


       Selections - Select All.


       Selections - Float.


       Selections - Defloat.


       Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur:





9.   Keep the selection on.


       Activate Copy of Raster 1.


       Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 3.



10. Open JPG 'cas_KingsCanyon_0814'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste into Selection.


       Selections - Select None.


       In the Layerpalette, set Opacity to 62.



11. Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 4.


       Set the foregroundcolor to #414448


       Activate Paint Brush and find '1_7':




       Zoom out to 80%, to see where you place the brush.


       Left click once with the mouse in the top left corner:





12. Change the size on the Brush to 300 and Rotation to 0.


       Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 5.


       Left click once again with the mouse in the bottom right corner:




       Layers - Duplicate.


       Image - Flip.


       Zoom in again to normal size (100%).



13. Activate Pick Tool move the copy to the top right corner:





       Your image should look like this now:





14. Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.


       Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 1.


       Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection like before, but choose 'cas_Nature_Sel2'.



15. Open JPG 'cas_KingsCanyoun_0814' again.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste into Selection.



16. Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 2.


       Flood Fill selectionen with the foregroundcolor #414448


       Selections - Modify - Contract 10 pixels.


       Edit - Clear, or hit Delete on your keyboard.


       Selections - Select None.



17. Layers - Duplicate.


       Effects - Plugins - It @lian Editors Effect - Effetto Fantasma:




       Layers - Merge - Merge Down.


       Merge Down once more.



18. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection like before, but choose 'cas_Nature_Sel3'.


       Layers - Promote Selection to Layer.


       Activate Raster 1.


       Edit - Clear, or hit Delete on your keyboard.


       Selections - Select None.



19. Activate the top layer, Promoted Selection.


       Image - Free Rotate:




       Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.



20. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:




       Layers - Merge - Merge Down.



21. Activate the bottom layer, Merged.


       Open the Image 'cas_Nature_Deco1'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 2.



22. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:




       If you use other colors, you can change the colors by using Colorize (Adjust - Hue and Saturation).


       Activate the top layer, Raster 1.



23. Open the tube 'cas_BlackBear_0914'.


       Activate the layer Tube2.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 3.



24. Image - Resize 75%, uncheck All Layers.


       Activate Pick Tool and place it like this:





25. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:



       Color #000000 (black)



26. Open the Image 'cas_Nature_Text'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 4.



27. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:




       In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Hard Light.



28. Image - Merge - Merge All (Flatten).


       Image - Resize 85%, Check in All Layers.



29. Sign you image and save it.





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If you liked my tutorial, I would be pleased, if you tell me. I also would love to see your creation, if you have used other tubes and colors.


If you attach your image, I will reserve the right to put it on my website with your name, unless you tell me not to.



You can contact me here
Version with other tubes and colors

Tube from Patries

JPG from the internet






Thank you Cher for testing my tutorial

Chers version




Thank you Sylvie for testing my tutorial and for translating it into French

Sylvies version





Thank you Angela for translating my tutorial into Dutch

Angelas version