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Made in PSPX2 |
Thank you to all who have send their version to me. You can see them here
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Plugins: FilterMeister, FM Sample: Min-I-Max - Here (Place MiniMax.8bf in a plugin folder of your own choice. I have placed it in the foler MuRa's Meister)
Twoo Moon, BlurChecks - Here Flaming Pear, Flood - Here
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Place the selections
and 'cas_FreedomSel3'
in the Selections folder to your PSP program.
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Materialer here
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Tubes from Annelies: A-and-K-tubes-unlimited
1. Set foregroundsfarven to #000000 (black) and backgroundcolor to #828080 .
Foregroundcolor to Gradient, Foreground-Background:
Open new Transparent Image 900 x 500 pixel.
Flood Fill with the gradient.
Layers - Duplicate.
2. Effects - Plugins - FilterMeister - FM Sample: Min-I-Max:
Repeat Min-I-Max, but change Radius to 16:
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More.
3. Layers - Duplicate.
Image - Resize 85%, uncheck All Layers.
Effects - Geometric Effects - Skew:
4. Image - Mirror.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
5. Activate Copy of Raster 1.
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Lighten.
6. Activate Raster 1.
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk:
Find 'cas_FreedomSel1':
7. Effects - Reflection Effects - Feedback:
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More.
Selections - Select None.
8. Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling:
9. Activate Copy of Raster 1.
Layers -Duplicate.
Effects - Plugins -Twoo Moon - BlurChecks:
10. Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling:
In the Layerpalette, set Opacity to 70.
11. Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize:
Layers - Merge - Merge Down.
12. Activate the top layer, Copy (2) of Raster 1.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 2.
Change the backgroundcolor to #5f7d95 . Gradient like in section 1 but change Repeats to 2:
13. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but choose 'cas_FreedomSel2'.
Flood Fill selectionen with the gradient 3 times.
Selections - Select None.
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #ffffff (white)
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance.
14. Activate Copy (2) of Raster 1.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 3.
Change the backgroundcolor to #ffffff (white).
Flood Fill with the backgroundcolor.
15. Open Mask 'cas_Mask0614' and minimize it.
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image.
Find 'cas_Mask0614':
Layers - Merge - Merge Group.
16. Activate the top layer, Raster 2.
Activate Magic Wand :
Select the 3 squares in the frame:
Selections - Modify - Expand 20 pixels.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 3.
17. Open the tube 'Athe-PY6'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
Edit - Paste into Selection.
Selections - Select None.
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.
Layers - Arrange - Move Down.
Your image should look like this now:
18. Activate Copy (2) of Raster 1.
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but choose 'cas_FreedomSel3'.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 4.
Edit - Paste into Selection.
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 10.
19. Keep the selection on.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 5.
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout:
Color #000000 (black)
Selections - Select None.
20. Open the tube 'cas_Freedom_Text'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
21. Close the eye on the two bottom layers, Raster 1 and Copy of Raster 1:
Activate one of the other layers.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
Open the eyes again.
22. Stay on the top layer, Merged.
Effects Plugins - Flaming Pear - Flood:
23. Open the tube 'cas_Freedom_Deco1'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 2.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
24. Open the tube 'cas_Freedom_Deco2'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 3.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
25. Image - Add Borders, Symmetric, 1 pixel, color #000000, black
Image - Add Borders, Symmetric, 15 pixel, color #ffffff, white
Image - Add Borders, Symmetric, 1 pixel, color #2e4b62
Image - Add Borders, Symmetric, 25 pixel, color #ffffff, white
26. Open the tube 'Alies 1VR935-woman-21032014'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 4.
Image - Resize 75%, uncheck All Layers.
27. Activate Pick Tool and place her like this:
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #000000 (black)
Image - Add Borders, Symmetric, 1 pixel, color #000000, black
28 . Sign your image.
Resize if you want a smaller image and save it.
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If you liked my tutorial, I would be
pleased, if you tell me. I also would love
to see your creation, if you have used other
tubes and colors.
If you attach your image, I will reserve
the right to put it on my website with your name
and link to your website, if you have one,
unless you tell me not to.
You can contact me
Version with other tubes and colors
Tube from Joanie JeBe_Quality_Tubes and Athénais
****** Thank you Cher for testing my tutorial Chers version
****** Thank you Angela for translating my tutorial into Dutch Angelas version
****** Thank you Estela for translating my tutorial into Portuguese Estelas version