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Made in PSPX2



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Rorshack Filters, Ripleyer - Here

Filter Factory Gallery Q, Archie's Spirals - Here

Graphics Plus, Quick Tile I - Here

AP 01 [Innovations], Lines - SilverLining - Here

Flaming Pear, Flood - Here

It@lian Editors Effect, Bordo con Luci - Here



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Place the selections 'cas_DoIt_Sel1', ...Sel2, ...Sel3, ...Sel4 and 'cas_DoIt_Sel5' in the Selections folder to your PSP program.


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Materials here


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Tube from

Guismo http://dakara.free.fr/

Mask from Narah


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1.   Set the foregroundcolor to #c00000 and the backgroundcolor to #ffffff (white).


       Change the foregroundcolor to Gradient, Foreground-Background:




       Open New Transparent Image 800 x 450 pixels.


       Flood Fill with the gradient.



2.   Effects - Plugins - Rorshack Filters - Ripleyer:




       Layers - Duplicate.



3.   Effects - Plugins - Filter Factory Gallery Q - Archie's Spirals with the standard settings:




       In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Luminance (Legacy) and Opacity to 50.


       Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.



4.   Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk.


       Find 'cas_DoIt_Sel1':




       Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 1.


       Flood Fill the selection with the backgroundcolor (white).


       Selections - Select None.



5.   Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling:





6.   Effects - Plugins - Graphics Plus - Quick Tile I:





7.   Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but find 'cas_DoIt_Sel2'.


       Edit - Clear, or hit the Delete key on your keyboard.


       Selections - Select None.



8.   Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling:





9.   Activate Pick Tool and set the settings like this:




       Layers - Duplicate.



10. Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave:




       In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay.



       Your image should look like this now:





11. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but find 'cas_DoIt_Sel3'.


       Change the foregroundgradient:




       Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 2.


       Flood Fill the selection with the gradient.


       Selections - Select None.



12. Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur:





13. Effects - Plugins - AP 01 [Innovations] - Lines - SilverLining:




       Layers - Duplicate.


       Image - Mirror.


       Image - Flip.


       Layers - Merge - Merge Down.



14. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:



       Color #ffffff (white)


       Check in Shadow on new layer.



15. Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling:




       Activate the top layer, Raster 2.



16. Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 3.


       Flood Fill the layer with the backgroundcolor (white).


       Open Mask 'Narah_mask_0421' and minimize it.


       Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image.


       Find 'Narah_mask_0421':




       Layers - Merge - Merge Group.


       Image - Flip.


       In the Layerpalette, set Opacity to 75.



17. Activate Raster 1.


       Layers - Merge - Merge Down.


       Stay on the layer.



18. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but find 'cas_DoIt_Sel4'.


       Selections - Promote Selection to Layer.


       Selections - Select None.


       Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 80.



19. Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pear - Flood.


       Push the red arrow and find 'cas_DoIt_Flood' in the material folder.


       Double-click on the file.




       Push OK.


       In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Burn.



20. Open the tube 'cal-guis-mistcouple-18112008'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 1.



21. Activate Pick Tool and place it like this:




       In the Layerpalette, set Opacity to 36.


       Activate the top layer Group - Raster 3.



22. Open the Image 'cas_DoIt_Deco1'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 3.



23. Open the Image 'cas_DoIt_Deco2'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 4.



24. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:





25. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection like before, but find 'cas_DoIt_Sel5'.


       Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 5.


       Flood Fill the selection with the backgroundcolor (white).



26. Selections - Modify - Contract 5 pixels.


       Edit - Clear, or hit the Delete key on your keyboard.


       Selections - Select None.



27. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:



       Color #000000 (black)


       Remember to uncheck Shadow on new layer.



28. Open the Image 'cas_DoIt_Text1'.


       Activate Raster 1.


       Edit - Copy, do not close it down.


       On your Image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 6.



29. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:





30. Go back to the Image 'cas_DoIt_Text1'.


       Activate Raster 2.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       On your Image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 7.



31. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:





32. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:



       Color #000000 (black)



33. Open the Image 'cas_DoIt_Text2'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       On your Image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 8.


34. Activate Pick Tool and place it like this:




       Layers - Duplicate.



35. Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave:




       Activate Pick Tool again and place it like this:




       In the Layerpalette, set Opacity to 20.



36. Image - Add Borders:



       Color #ffffff (white).



37. Image - Add Borders, Symmetric, 1 pixel, Color #000000 (black)


       Image - Add Borders, Symmetric, 30 pixels, Color #c00000



38. Effects - Plugins - It@lian Editors Effect - Bordo con luci:





39. Open the Image 'cas_DoIt_Deco3'.


       Edit - Copy, close it down.


       Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 1.


       In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Soft Light.


       Layers - Merge - Merge All (Flatten).



40. Sign you image.


       Resize if you want a smaller image and save it.



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If you liked my tutorial, I would be pleased, if you tell me. I also would love to see your creation, if you have used other tubes and colors.


If you attach your image, I will reserve the right to put it on my website with your name, unless you tell me not to.



You can contact me here



February 22, 2015


Version with another tube and color

Tube from Fafy:  fafytubes




Thank you Cher for testing my tutorial

Chers version




Thank you Sylvie for testing my tutorial and for translating it into French

Sylvies version




Thank you Angela for translating my tutorial into Dutch

Angelas version




Thank you Misstyca for translating my tutorial into Hungarian

Misstycas version