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Made in PSPX9 March 31st, 2017 |
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Thank you all for letting me use your beautiful materials in my tutorials
Tube from Animabelle, MC and my own misted tube Mask fra Narah and casiop
Tubes used in my other version are from Mina, MC and my own misted tube
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Tips! * If you use other colors, you can change Blend Mode and Opacity for a better result. * You may want to use same shades of colors (light and dark colors). Other shades can result in a very different image. * Make sure your image has the same size as written in section 1. Selections will not match an image in a different size.
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1. Open New Transparent Image 900 x 500 pixels.
Selections - Select All.
Open Image 'Background_Easter2017'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image - Edit - Paste into selection.
Selections - Select None.
If you use other colors, you can change the colors with Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Hue/Saturation/Lightness.
2. Layers - Duplicate.
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk.
Find 'cas_Easter2017_Sel1':
Edit - Clear, or hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Selections - Select None.
3. Effects - Plugins - Two Moon - Cut Glass:
4. Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave:
5. Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling:
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance.
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Soft Light.
6. Set the foregroundcolor to #ffffff (white).
Open Mask 'cas_Mask_0417_2' and minimize it.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 2.
Flood Fill the layer with the foregroundcolor #ffffff (white).
7. Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image.
Find 'cas_Mask_0417_2':
Layers - Merge - Merge Group.
In the Layerpalette, set Opacity to 50.
8. Open Image 'cas_Easter2017_Deco1'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 2.
9. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
10. Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling:
Effects - Plugins - Simple - Left Right Wrap.
11. Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 3.
Flood Fill the layer with the foregroundcolor #ffffff (white)
Open Mask 'Narah_Mask_1093' and minimize it.
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image.
Find 'Narah_Mask_1093':
12. Activate the layer 'Mask - Raster 3'.
Layers - Duplicate:
Layers - Merge - Merge Group.
Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical (in previous PSP versions 'Image - Flip')
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 70.
Your image should look like this now:
13. Adtivate the third layer from the bottom 'Group - Raster 2'.
Open the tube 'cas_EasterEggs01_0317.pspimage'.
Edit - Copy, minimize it. We need it later.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 3.
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal (in previous PSP versions 'Image - Mirror').
Image - Resize - 78%, uncheck All Layers.
14. Activate Pick Tool and place it like this:
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
15. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but choose 'cas_Easter2017_Sel2'.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 1.
Activate Flood Fill Tool and lower Opacity to 50:
Flood Fill the selection with the foregroundcolor #ffffff (white).
16. Set Opacity on Flood Fill Tool back to 100.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 2.
Flood Fill the selection with the foregroundcolor #ffffff (white).
17. Selections - Modify - Contract 1 pixel.
Edit - Clear, or hit the Delete key on you keyboard.
Selections - Select None.
18. Open the tube 'cas_EasterEggs01_0317' again.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 3.
19. Image - Resize 40%, uncheck All Layers.
Activate Pick Tool and place it in the frame like this:
In the Layerpalette, set Opacity to 65.
Close the eye on the bottom layer and activate one of the other layers:
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
Open the eye on the layer again.
20. Open Image 'cas_Easter2017_Text1'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 1.
Activate Pick Tool and place it like this:
21. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #000000 (black)
Layers - Merge - Merge Down.
22. Image - Free Rotate:
23. Open Image 'cas_Easter2017_Deco2'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 1.
24. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #000000 (black)
25. Open Image 'cas_Easter2017_Deco3'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 2.
26. Activate Pick Tool with these settings:
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #dd682b
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.
27. Open Image 'cas_Easter2017_Text2'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 3.
Activate Pick Tool again with these settings:
28. Layers - Duplicate.
Activate Pick Tool again with these settings:
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 32.
29. Activate the second layer from the top, Raster 3.
Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Meister - Copies.
Start with 1 and 2:
30. Activate the top layer, Copy of Raster 3.
Open the tube 'MC_PP_SpringWedding_E27'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 4.
Image - Resize 60%, uncheck All Layers.
31. Activate Selection Tool - Rectangle.
Select the three butterflies on the right:
Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize:
Selections - Select None.
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.
32. Activate Pick Tool with these settings:
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #000000 (black)
Edit - Copy.
Edit - Paste as New Image.
Minimize it, we need it later.
33. Open 'cas_Pattern_Easter' and minimize it.
Open the foregroundcolor and find 'cas_Pattern_Easter':
If you use other colors, you can change the color on the pattern with Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Hue/Saturation/Lightness, before you change the foregroundcolor.
You can make your own pattern instead by using Selection Tool - Rectangle and select from your tube. Copy - Paste as New Image.
The selection should be approx. 155 pixels wide x 125 pixels high.
34. Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but find 'cas_Easter2017_Sel3'.
Layers - New Raster Layer, Raster 5.
Flood Fill the selection with the foreground Pattern.
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 1.
Selections - Select None.
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.
35. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #dd682b
Drop Shadow once more:
Color #000000 (black)
36. Image - Add Borders:
Color #899c18
Image - Add Borders, 20 pixels, color #ffffff (white)
Image - Add Borders, 1 pixel, color #899c18
Image - Add Borders, 35 pixels, color #ffffff (white)
37. Open the tube '27_tube_femme_p1_animabelle'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 1.
Image - Resize 60%, uncheck All Layers.
Activate Pick Tool and place it in the bottom like this:
38. Activate Selection Tool - Rectangle and select the logo:
Edit - Clear, or hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Selections - Select None.
39. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #000000 (black)
40. Open the image with the butterflies, you minimized in section 33.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer, Raster 2.
Image - Resize 85%, uncheck All Layers.
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal (in previous PSP versions 'Image - Mirror').
Activate Pick Tool and place it down in the left corner like this:
Image - Add Borders, 1 pixel, color #899c18
41. Resize your image, if you want it smaller.
Sign your image or place your watermark and save as JPG.
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I hope you enjoyed my tutorial, and you are welcome to send your version to me. The versions I receive will be shown on the website with your name, unless you tell me not to. You are always welcome to contact me, if you have questions to my tutorials. * * * * * * * * *
Another version
Thank you Zoee for testing my tutorial Zoees version
Thank you Angela for testing and translating my tutorial into Dutch Angelas version
Thank you Animabelle for translating my tutorial into French Animabelles version
Thank you Estela for translating my tutorial into Portuguese Estelas version
© Casiop Design